I started my journey in pottery with a hand-building class at a local pottery studio. After a couple of classes, I decided to give wheel-throwing a shot. I was terrible!! I took another chance a while later after watching some videos and realized it was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences.
From there, I dove in head first. I purchased a kiln made in approximately the 1970's, a wheel made at least a decade ago, and some clay from Amazon.com. The best part about pottery is never having to be afraid of making a mistake. Any errors can be dunked in a bucket of water and squished back together into a new "fresh" canvas.
About a year later, I can safely say that I love playing in the mud! Spending time in my studio is one of the most relaxing experiences. The whir of the wheel, the smell of wet mud, the slow drying process, and the promise of brilliant, beautiful functional ware to come is simply inspiring.
I hope that you enjoy the pieces that come out of my little studio. They are infused with love, joy, and hope, and I wish they bring you the same.